Green Spring Recycling is proud to be your Spring Cleaning Bulk Pickup providers!  Most cities and counties hold a Bulk Item Dropoff event every Spring.  We are proud to be able to provide your district a trailer on site in order for residents to drop off their used bedding.

Contract Pickup:   If your district does not allow curbside bulk item mattress pickup,

we can arrange a permanent solution and drop a trailer on site to have residents drop off at your dump site.  Once the trailers are full we can swap for an empty.   Our services are EXTREMELY cost effective, more so than the current national average of “true cost to landfill” used bedding!  We are here to help keep our earth green and provide you impeccable service. Whether you are a solid waste company or municipality, we are ready to sit down and find a cost effective solution and help divert these items from precious landfills.

Scheduled Residential Pickup:  We are preparing to pilot a program whereby bulk items are tagged by current solid waste haulers and followed up by our crew for pickup the next day using box trucks.  This program is in its secondary stage and we are looking for more opportunities to actually pilot this program.  We are currently finishing developing a backend scheduling platform based on an already successful model that is currently used daily in other states.   Feel free to reach out if you are interested in a small scale pilot program for your city or county!



Mon-Friday  8am-4pm

Saturday 9am-1pm




13611 Thornton Road Blue Island, Illinois 60406